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Flookburgh Band 1909 - 2024

115 Years of Making Music

2009 Winners

Welcome to the Flookburgh Band Website

Tucked away in a small corner of Northwest England, on the Cartmel Peninsula lies an ancient fishing village called Flookburgh. Fishing still plays a large part in village life from cockles to shrimps. The local fishermen still venture out onto Morecambe Bay sands to this day.

But Flookburgh has a hidden gem...

The Sound of Brass

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Band 2022

Future Events

Sunday 17th August
Last Night of the Proms Concert - Grange over Sands 19:00

Sunday 25th August
Grange Band Stand 14:00 to 16:00

Friday to Sunday 13th to 15th September
Cheltenham Finals

Saturday 21st December
Christmas Concert - Grange over Sands 19:00


North of England 3rd section champions, under the direction of John Iveson
National finals here we come!! Fabulous performance by the band

Durham 2024

Durham 2024


Durham ~ North of England 4th Section

Winners March 2022

See pictures here


New CD available - performance played in Cartmel Priory 2014

Phone 01539534775 / Mobile 07532108737

glyn williams